In 2016 the inaugural Dandaragan Shire Internet Initiative Working Party was held at the Dandaragan CRC. Inspired by the Annie Brox presentation on fixed wireless opportunities in the regions such as ours, various community members and business owners from across the region have volunteered to lead this communications initiative.
The working party will be chaired by Gary Park local Badgingarra Farmer, members include Henry Steingiesser from camel dairy Dandaragan, Michelle Ellyard Manager Dandaragan CRC, Sue and Di Brown large family farming enterprise, Kaye McGlew Chair Dandaragan CRC and local Shire Councillor, Zoe Coole Business and Community member, Zac Robert large family farming enterprise, Evan Bradshaw local tourism business Redgum Village, John Scotney Chair West Midlands Group and Badgingarra Farming Enterprise with admin support provided through Andrea Gray Dandaragan CRC Acting Coordinator.
The Dandaragan CRC initiated formation of this working party as part of their ‘communication strategy’ for business and economic development in the region, after hearing of the great work that Rob Smallwood was leading with the Midwest Development Commission - ‘digital and communication strategy’ in the Mid West. Chair of the Dandaragan CRC, Kaye McGlew commented “Personally I have huge internet access issues that impact all communication in my various roles, there are many sustainable competitive cost options we should consider. With this region being part of the food bowl and recognising the need for global connection, we need to act now to ensure we are competitive on the world scale.” Kaye also stated that fixed wireless technologies were a WA invention, “We need to partner with those at the forefront of digital leadership in WA, such as being displayed by the Mid West Development Commission.” Chair Gary Park stated “Dandaragan Shire representatives who attended the Annie Brox information event were very positive towards considering contributing funds towards the feasibility study.” This feasibility study includes 10 Mid West Shires and we are able to join with them. “on one proviso that the Dandaragan Region had to show it’s support for such an initiative. We need to show the shire that we want to improve our connectivity to the world and need a commitment from our potential users that they will use the service if they can be connected” stated Gary Park. “We would like you all to complete the survey to prove we want to be part of the existing internet future and not be a passive bystander.”
The working party will be chaired by Gary Park local Badgingarra Farmer, members include Henry Steingiesser from camel dairy Dandaragan, Michelle Ellyard Manager Dandaragan CRC, Sue and Di Brown large family farming enterprise, Kaye McGlew Chair Dandaragan CRC and local Shire Councillor, Zoe Coole Business and Community member, Zac Robert large family farming enterprise, Evan Bradshaw local tourism business Redgum Village, John Scotney Chair West Midlands Group and Badgingarra Farming Enterprise with admin support provided through Andrea Gray Dandaragan CRC Acting Coordinator.
The Dandaragan CRC initiated formation of this working party as part of their ‘communication strategy’ for business and economic development in the region, after hearing of the great work that Rob Smallwood was leading with the Midwest Development Commission - ‘digital and communication strategy’ in the Mid West. Chair of the Dandaragan CRC, Kaye McGlew commented “Personally I have huge internet access issues that impact all communication in my various roles, there are many sustainable competitive cost options we should consider. With this region being part of the food bowl and recognising the need for global connection, we need to act now to ensure we are competitive on the world scale.” Kaye also stated that fixed wireless technologies were a WA invention, “We need to partner with those at the forefront of digital leadership in WA, such as being displayed by the Mid West Development Commission.” Chair Gary Park stated “Dandaragan Shire representatives who attended the Annie Brox information event were very positive towards considering contributing funds towards the feasibility study.” This feasibility study includes 10 Mid West Shires and we are able to join with them. “on one proviso that the Dandaragan Region had to show it’s support for such an initiative. We need to show the shire that we want to improve our connectivity to the world and need a commitment from our potential users that they will use the service if they can be connected” stated Gary Park. “We would like you all to complete the survey to prove we want to be part of the existing internet future and not be a passive bystander.”

For this initiative to be successful we need your input, we have developed several simple ways in which you can participate in the survey, to ensure we grab input from all members of the Dandaragan Shire region. You can fill in the two page form in this edition, follow the links on our facebook and website or through an email that CRC will share with our network of businesses, community leaders and network. If you have not received an email with the link to the online survey call us and we will send the link to your email. If like most people in our region you have limited internet access then fill in the paper version of the survey it can be posted or dropped into the Dandaragan CRC. Please contact the CRC if you would like further assistance or would like to complete the survey over the phone, 96514071.
As a active member of the community we are asking you to help us gain as much input as possible to present to the Shire of Dandaragan. Please share the emails, survey links and paper versions with your friends, contacts and neighbours right across the shire encouraging them to participate. The personal survey can be completed individually and we encourage this. However it can be completed as a household, we encourage businesses to complete a separate survey as well as their personal survey response.
As a active member of the community we are asking you to help us gain as much input as possible to present to the Shire of Dandaragan. Please share the emails, survey links and paper versions with your friends, contacts and neighbours right across the shire encouraging them to participate. The personal survey can be completed individually and we encourage this. However it can be completed as a household, we encourage businesses to complete a separate survey as well as their personal survey response.
Survey - click on the link below
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